wise 发表于 2015/1/3 06:23:28


  1.红薯:补虚乏、益气力  营养分析:系粮食中营养较为丰富的食品。由于红薯能供给人体大量的粘液蛋白、糖、维生素A和维生素C,因此具有补虚乏、益气力、健脾胃、强肾阴以及和胃、暖胃、益肺等功效。常吃红薯能防止肝脏和肾脏中结缔组织萎缩,防止胶原病的发生。
  2.包心菜:增强抵抗力  营养分析:其维生素C的含量是西红柿的3.5倍,钙的含量是黄瓜的2倍。包心菜还含有较多的微量元素钼和锰,是人体制造酶、激素等活性物质必不可少的原料。它能促进人体新陈代谢,十分有利于儿童生长发育。
       3.萝卜:消积滞、化痰热  营养分析:中医认为,萝卜性凉味辛甘,入肺、胃二经,可消积滞、化痰热、下气贯中、解毒,用于食积胀满、小便不利等症。可见萝卜对调理脾胃作用不小,所以有“秋后萝卜赛人参”之说,对秋季常见的消化不良、风热型感冒、扁桃体炎、咳喘多痰、咽喉痛等疾病也有辅助治疗作用。
  4.芋头:宜脾健胃  营养分析:芋头富含淀粉,营养丰富。并含乳聚糖,质地软滑,容易消化,有健胃作用,特别适宜脾胃虚弱、患肠道疾病、结核病和正处恢复期的病人食用,是婴幼儿和老年人的食用佳品。

yingmei1101 发表于 2015/1/3 07:20:01


azqjaaa 发表于 2015/1/3 16:23:41


衷中西辅 发表于 2015/1/4 05:57:57


飞燕的理想 发表于 2015/1/5 17:59:01


荑萱 发表于 2015/1/9 09:24:11

本帖最后由 荑萱 于 2015/1/10 17:05 编辑



荑萱 发表于 2015/1/9 09:36:04

本帖最后由 荑萱 于 2015/1/10 01:38 编辑

冬天用包菜萝卜做菜,非常有营养。俄国有一道闻名世界的菜,叫 Borsch,就是用包菜和萝卜做的。

荑萱 发表于 2015/1/10 01:18:21


Borsch recipe

1 lb beef (with or without bones)9两牛肉
1 lb red beets ( 3 average ones)9两红菜根,红萝卜易可
1/2 lb shredded cabbage   半个包菜切碎
4 small potatoes   4个小土豆
1 carrot      1根胡萝卜
1 ea onion1个洋葱
3 tbsp tomato paste3饭勺西红柿酱
1 tsp vinegar       1小勺醋
salt and pepper on your taste盐 胡椒 适量
parsley, dill and spring onions香菜, 莳萝,青葱 适量

Preparing meat broth: Put beef into a large saucepan and cover with 3 l cold water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Remove the grease and froth from the broth surface with a spoon. Add one onion. Cook at low heat for 1-2 hours. Simmering red beets: Melt 1 tablespoon margarine in a saucepan. Cut red beets into thin sticks and add them into the cooking pot. Add tomato paste or sliced tomatoes. Simmer at low heat for 1 hour. If there is not enough liquid, add some broth. Add vinegar. Pan-frying vegetables: Melt 1 tablespoon margarine in a frying pan. Add chopped onions and carrots cut into thin sticks. Cover and saute for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Heat broth to boiling. Add chopped cabbage and potatoes cut into bars. Cook for 5 minutes. Add saute and cook another 10 minutes. Add simmered red beets. Cook another 5 minutes. Add salt, black pepper. If you like garlic, you can add about 5 g grated garlic, it is supposed to be in borsch. I don't like it and never add it here. Borsch is served with sour cream.

csjxg777 发表于 2015/1/11 04:40:22


shirley12 发表于 2015/1/12 18:29:36

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查看完整版本: 冬季4种素食胜过肉