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2011/3/13 06:49| 发布者: david92003| 查看: 8838| 评论: 0

摘要: 以下是最近在網上關於瑪雅人太陽歷的一段話,雖然譯得不雅,我經過查證,在一些英文網站上是有原文的。經過與內經五運六氣學說比較,竟然發現結論是一致的 - 2012年的災難不是洪水,而是旱災。 第一個太陽紀是馬 ...
以下是最近在網上關於瑪雅人太陽歷的一段話,雖然譯得不雅,我經過查證,在一些英文網站上是有原文的。經過與內經五運六氣學說比較,竟然發現結論是一致的 - 2012年的災難不是洪水,而是旱災。

第一個太陽紀是馬特拉克堤利Matlactli Atl(根達亞文明),巨人文明,毀於大洪水。有一說法是諾亞的洪水。 (水)
第二個太陽紀是伊厄科特爾Ehecatl(美索不達米亞),所以又被稱為飲食文明。Ehecatl是阿茲特克人的風之神 (Wind Serpent) 。米索不達亞文明發生在南極大陸,毀於地球磁極轉換,被風蛇吹的四散零落。 (木)
第三個太陽紀是奎雅維洛Tleyquiyahuillo(穆裏亞文明),也稱生物能文明。則是因天降火與而步向毀滅之路,乃為古代核子戰爭。  (火)
第四個太陽紀是宗德裏裏克 Tzontlilic(亞特蘭蒂斯文明),是火雨的肆虐下引發大地覆滅。早在穆文明時期亞特蘭就建立了。後來這兩個文明還打核戰爭。 (土)

丙辛水運 -丁壬木運 - 戊癸火運 - 甲己土運 - 乙庚金運



太陽司天為寒化, 太陰在泉為甘化。




First Sun, Matlactli Atl: duration 4008 years. Those who lived then ate water maize called atzitzintl. in this age lived the giants...The First Sun was destroyed by water in the sign Matlactli Atl (Ten Water). It was called Apachiohualiztli (flood, deluge), the art of sorcery of the permanent rain. Men were turned into fish. Some say that only one couple escaped, protected by an old tree living near the water. Others say that there were seven couples who hid in a cave until the flood was over and the waters had gone down. They repopulated the Earth and were worshipped as gods in their nations.
Second Sun, Ehecoatl: duration 4010 years. Those who lived then ate wild fruit known as acotzintli. This sun was destroyed by Ehecoatl (Wind Serpent) and men were turned into monkeys....One man and woman, standing on a rock, were saved from destruction....
Third Sun, Tleyquiyahuillo: duration 4081 years. men, the descendants of the couple who were saved from the Second Sun, ate a fruit called tzincoac. This third sun was destroyed by fire...
Fourth Sun, Tzontlilic: duration 5026 years....Men died of starvation after a deluge of blood and fire....
We are currently in the Fifth Sun. The symbol of the Fifth Sun, our current epoch, is the face of Tonatiuh, the sun god himself. His tongue, fittingly depicted as an obsidian knife, juts out hungrily, signaling his need for the nourishment of human blood and hearts. His features are wrinkled to indicate his advanced age and he appears within the symbol Ollin which signifies movement. Why is the Fifth Sun known as "The Sun of Movement?" Because, 'the elders say: in it there will be a movement of the Earth and from this we shall all perish. (Finger-Prints of the Gods by Graham Hancock, pgs. 98-99, ISBN # 0-517-88729-0)
End of the Fifth Sun (According to the Aztecs) is December, 23, 2012 A.D.
If the Fifth Sun is to last an approximate 5000 to 5100 years then it would be safe to say that the Aztecs had a recorded human history as far back as:
5100 (Current)
22,225 years ago

本文内容由 sargelu 提供

