I must say that to rule a country with 11 billions people is a hard job for any body, no matter where he/she came from or whatever the background. To make China rich is not something like
switching on the light in our house, it has to be a hard, winding and continously monitored process. Up to my knowledge, China is now going the same process of modernization like Japan and
is going to be developed into a highly differentiated society -- that means some would be rich
and some would be poor. Like going out from a cinema after seeing movie, some would get out
the cinema early because they sit near the exit and somehow someone will be the last to go out because they sit at the back row. The most important thing is that no one is being traped inside.
Some one would go early by pushing down and step one people's back, that's why we need law and policeman. someone of course get injured by being push over, that's why we need doctors. Our job is to help those wounded and light up the fire inside people's heart by telling them not to give up even the environment is quite harsh. Help someone fell over; pick up a wounded bird
and cure it (not to roast them); carry a heavy bag for the weak in train or bus station, etc. We
can make the world better, even the candle in our heart is small but it will make the world not so dark as before, although we have a lot of barriers ahead and lots of baggage to carry in our own life.