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莲师对空性的教示 莲师曰:若欲证得正遍知的佛陀果位,你当训练自己去了知:所有对自我的执著及对现象的成见,都是毫无自性的。Master Padma said: If you desire to attain the buddhahood ofomniscience then train yourself in understanding that all egoclinging and fixation on phenomena have no self-nature.不论你做了什麼善德之事,要瞭解到所有的现象均如梦似幻。 No matterwhat meritorious action you may be involved in, understand that allphenomena are like dreams and magic. 依我之口授,训练自己面对所有现象之空性,即使是对六度或大悲亦无所执著。 In accordancewith my oral instruction, train yourself in the emptiness of allphenomena without clinging either to the six paramitas or to greatcompassion. 藉由禪修观空,你将瞭解到即使是六波罗蜜,与增长大悲心等事,亦如幻化。 By the power ofmeditating on emptiness you should come to realize that the sixparamitas and the engendered great compassion are also like amagical illusion. 即使你禪修於空性,亦要确定它能帮助增长善行,并对治你的烦恼。 Although you meditateon emptiness, make sure that it becomes an aid to virtuous practiceand a remedy against your disturbing emotions. 二十一种徒劳(Twenty-One Types ofFutility) 莲师言:修持佛法,有二十一种徒劳。 Master Padmasaid: When practicing the Dharma, there are twenty-one types offutility. 措嘉玛问:是那些呢? The lady asked:What are they? 莲师曰:若不弃绝伤害有情,发菩提心也徒劳。 Themaster said: It is futile to generate bodhicitta if you have notgiven up causing harm to sentient beings. 若不持守三昧耶,受灌顶也徒劳。 It is futile to receive empowermentsif you do not keep the samayas. 即使广学法教,若无益於自心,也是徒劳。 It is futile to learn manyteachings if they do not benefit your own mind. 行功德时,若混杂恶行,也是徒劳。 It is futile to perform roots ofvirtue if they are mixed with evil deeds. 依止上师,却行不善业,也是徒劳。 It is futile to follow a master ifyou always engage in misdeeds. 若为导师,却不事修持,并行恶业,也是徒劳。 It is futile to become ateacher who gives up Dharma practice and commits misdeeds.纵使完成艰鉅大业,若徒引八风之心,也是徒劳。 It is futile tocarry out a task that promotes the eight worldly concerns.若追随一位凶恶对待如母有情眾生的导师,也是徒劳。 It is futile tofollow a teacher who is always hostile to sentient beings, who areyour own parents. 若声称惧畏地狱,却常行不善,也是徒劳。 Itis futile to claim that you have fear of the hells if youconstantly engage in evil deeds. 若行布施,却无菩提心,亦无虔信,也是徒劳。 It is futile to perform acts ofgenerosity if you do not embrace them by bodhicitta and have nofaith. 若受戒,却缺乏决心,也是徒劳。 It is futile totake vows if you lack the determination to keep them. 若修安忍,却不调治瞋心,也是徒劳。 It is futile to practice patienceif you do not embrace your anger by the right remedy. 若修禪定,心却忙於烦乱或昏沉,也是徒劳。 It is futile to practicemeditation if your mind is always involved in either dullness oragitation. 若奋力精进,却非为求证悟之道,也是徒劳。 It isfutile to exert yourself with a diligence that does not aim towardthe path of enlightenment. 若长养知识,却徒增嫉妒与五毒,也是徒劳。 It is futile to developperverted knowledge that increases envy and the other five poisons.(※此处对"perverted"稍有疑虑,但因英文书已赠人无法确认;对照前后语义,故未译出该字。欢迎大德提供意见。)若修大乘教法,却乏慈悲道,也是徒劳。 It is futile topractice a Mahayana teaching that lacks the path of compassion.若修於禪定境,却不瞭自心,也是徒劳。 It is futile topractice a meditation state that lacks understanding of the natureof your mind. 若不实际修持,却受口诀,也是徒劳。 It isfutile to receive oral instructions if you do not put them intopractice. 若行利乐有情诸事,却无菩提心,也是徒劳。 It isfutile to act for the benefit of beings without having embracedthose acts with bodhicitta. 总之,纵使此等事皆是徒劳,此类诸行做之无用;但糊涂无知之辈,却不会听从。 In any case,although these things are futile and although there is no need formany such activities, childish people will not listen. 莲师开示十种徒具表面的修法(Ten Types ofSuperficiality) 莲师说:很多人的修持,都徒具表面。 MasterPadma said: There are many people who let their Dharma practicebecome superficial. 措嘉玛说:怎麼说呢? The ladyasked: How is that? 莲师说:持诵经文却不持信心,是为表面。The master said: It is superficial to chant the scriptures withouthaving faith. 无慈悲之心却说利他,是为表面。 It issuperficial to be altruistic without feeling compassion.不能免於慳嗇,却做布施之行,是为表面。 It is superficial toact generously without being free from stinginess. 若为密续行者,却不持守三昧耶,是为表面。 It is superficial to be atantrika who does not keep the samayas. 若为僧侣,却不持守戒律,是为表面。 It is superficial to be a monk whodoes not keep the vows. 若为居士,却不勤於禪修,是为表面。It is superficial to be noble without meditating. 只图拥有学问,却不修行佛法,是为表面。 It is superficial to haveknowledge without practicing the Dharma. 忙於修法,却不知法要,是为表面。 It is superficial to engage oneselfin a Dharma that does not possess the essence of practice.若自身不依法而行,却去教导他人,是为表面。 It is superficialto teach others when one does not act in accordance with the Dharmaoneself. 给他人建议,自己却不依从,是为表面。 It issuperficial to give advice that one does not follow oneself.总之,我的耳朵已经厌烦去听那些「有学之人」说话了,他们的修持未曾降伏自心,却只增添纷扰的情绪;不管他们说什麼,都不过是表面大话而已。In any case, my ears are tired of listening to "learned" peoplewhose Dharma practice does not tame their own minds but who simplylet it add disturbing emotions; whatever they say is nothing butsuperficial talk. 莲师开示十真实事(ten facts) 莲师曰:对那些能够修持佛法的人,你们当知十真实。 Master Padma said: For allwho can practice the Dharma there are ten facts. 措嘉玛问:是什麼呢? The lady asked: What are they?大师言:能够值遇佛法,又得人身,实乃因前世积聚资粮。 The mastersaid: When the presence of the Buddha's teachings coincides with aperson's attainment of a human body, it is a fact that he hasgathered the accumulations in former lives. 若对佛法生起兴趣,又得遇具口诀的上师,实有如盲人觅得如意宝。 When a person who hasinterest in the Dharma and a master who possesses the oralinstructions meet, it is a fact that this is like a blind manfinding a wish-fulfilling jewel. 既得暇满人身,又具信心与理解智,实乃往世所修善业已醒。 When the attainment ofthe complete human body coincides with having faith andintelligence, it is a fact that your karmic continuity of formertraining has awakened. 当富有之际,又能同时值遇乞者,实乃圆满布施之时。 When you are rich and at thesame time met with beggars, it is a fact that the time has come toperfect generosity. 在致力修持之际,却遭逢苦海满溢,实是恶业及障碍已被清净之时。 When the lake ofmisery overflows while you try to engage in spiritual practice, itis a fact that your evil karma and obscurations are being purified.当心转向佛法之时,却遭逢莫名仇敌,实乃引领步上安忍道之嚮导。 If youmeet with uncaused enmity while trying to turn your mind to theDharma, it is a fact that this is a guide to lead you on the pathof patience. 若能瞭解诸相无常,并对所得甚深法要具大信心,实为将心转离世间法之时。 When yourunderstanding of the impermanence of conditioned things and yourpossession of perfect faith coincide with receiving the profoundinstructions, it is a fact that the time has come to turn your mindaway from the life of a worldly person. 当恐惧死亡,却值遇他人之死,实乃大信心生起之时。 When your fear of dyingcoincides with the death of another person, it is a fact that thetime has come for exceptional faith to arise. 无论如何,若想先圆满世间追求,稍后再修持佛法;若你将来真能找到机会修持,实乃不可思议之事!是故能从轮迴之中解脱的人寥寥无几。In any case, if you first try to accomplish worldly pursuits andplan to engage in Dharma practice later on, it is amazing if youwill find the chance to do so! Thus only few are liberated fromsamsara. 莲师对善行的教言 不论你做什麼事,永远都以增长善行、减少恶行为目的。 Whatever you then do,always have the intention to increase virtue and decrease misdeeds.无论你做了什麼事,让它们是正直且善良的。无论你说了什麼话,让它们是正直且善良的。无论你心裡想的是什麼,让它们是正直且善良的。Whatever physical actions you engage in, make them virtuous.Whatever words you utter, make them virtuous. Whatever thoughts youentertain, make them virtuous. 简而言之,将你的身语意全部投入善行助益之事。即使是最微细之恶行或无德之事,亦需避免。 In short,exert yourself in nothing but wholesome and virtuous actions ofbody, speech, and mind. Shun even the tiniest nonvirtue or misdeed.倘若你不以正念与良知的甲冑来保护你,烦恼的利器将会割断你上进解脱的血脉。因此,在日常行住坐卧四威仪中,时时以正念与良知的盔甲防护自身,是非常重要的。 Ifyou do not keep the protection of the armor of mindfulness andconscientiousness, the weapons of disturbing emotions will cut theaorta for attaining the higher realms and liberation. During thefour kinds of daily activities, it is therefore essential to guardyourself with the armor of mindfulness and conscientiousness.——《空行教授Dakini's Teaching》
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